Jewelry designer Bliss Lau

Photo by @kezi-ban


Bliss Lau is a minority-woman-owned and operated jewelry design business focused on conscious design. Established in 2003, Bliss Lau offers an expansive collection of elegant, fine jewelry, custom-made-to-order pieces and one of a kind bridal designs. 

Bliss Lau’s visionary approach to jewelry design is rooted in the concept of jewelry as a physical experience and self-expression. Her designs, inspired by sensuality and the structure of the body, have been seen on Beyonce, Rihanna, Naomi Campbell as well as happy brides across the globe. Bliss Lau designs have been featured in collaborations with the New York Botanical Gardens and The New York City Ballet.  

Founder Bliss Lau believes deeply in conscious design, circularity, and steering her company to focus on responsible choices. Each stage of the making process supports the company’s community of artisans and members of their supply chain to promote environmental responsibility. The company’s core philosophy is a belief that the role of designer and creator also means being a permanent student and global citizen. “We believe in kindness and respect in the workplace and everyday life”. The Bliss Lau Studio is an inclusive, body positive space where all people are welcome. 

Q & A with Bliss Lau 

What is your advice for a new designer?

“In business, look within your community to find informal advisers who will help you learn the things that you don’t (yet!) understand. I believe that acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses as a new designer ie entrepreneur and business owner, is key to success. Creatively, Be as creative as possible! Make news, make it exciting, take risks and be your truest self.”

What surprised you about having your own brand? 

“I am surprised that having my own brand has taught me how much I like being in a supportive role. What began with a focus on design has graduated to a place of service. We help build up the people who come to us, and seek to give our clients a beautiful experience. I didn’t expect it, but in many ways, designing is now equal to the gift of a joyful experience for our clients.”

How do you define success?

“I see duality in all things. I think financial success must be addressed in the question. If I can pay all of my bills and have the freedom to design, even if within the boundaries of existing financial limitations, I am very happy. 

“In my mind, success as a company, and as a brand, is also deeply connected to a very personal feeling of joy and comfort. This is connected to the quality and level of the creative work that we put into the world, how it is made, and how good we feel about the trajectory of the full process.”

“I feel very conflicted about this question, because yes after staying in business now for 17 years I feel successful. After dressing Beyonce, I felt successful. When selling my first store I had that feeling as well.  Each new threshold and goal that is reached brings new goals, and I am very careful to remember to find pause and enjoy those moments. It can be a dangerous road to only look ahead and find yourself later realizing that you didn’t let yourself find the joy in the moments because the future was always brighter.  I have lived on both sides of that equation.”


