Q&A - What is Core Product?


What is “core product” and how do I incorporate that into my label? 

They 80/20 rule states that 20 percent of products bring in 80 percent of sales and many fashion labels have built their businesses on a strong demand for their signature items. The Burberry trench, the Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dress, and the Ralph Lauren polo are all examples of core product for successful brands. 

Core product can be carried over from year to year by keeping it fresh through subtle changes in color, fabric or design. The development and pattern costs are already paid so your margin will be higher on these items and the manufacturer is already on board and understands the product.  

To develop core product, identify something that you well that your customers love. Pay attention to items that are best sellers and things that customers buy again or in multiples. It may not be the items you expect! Make sure to keep your core product consistent in quality and fit over time and be sure that with each update it continues to reflect your specific brand. Of course it depends on the item, but ideally core product should be available year round and rarely discounted.


Q & A - Sustainability


CFDA INTERVIEW with Mary Gehlhar