Photo by Charlota Blunarova

Photo by Charlota Blunarova


Human B is a one stop shop to help take your fashion idea through all the steps of development and production. From working with the right patternmaker and sample maker, to sourcing fabric and materials, creating tech packs and finalizing fit, they have the experience and contacts to streamline the process and save time and money.  Human Bs production packages include sourcing the right factory, managing the steps of pre-production, overseeing quality control, and managing shipping and invoicing.  

 Human B also offers The Fashion Brand Clarity Program which provides several sessions of one on one consulting to coach designers through the steps of bringing their fashion idea to life BEFORE they begin. The process provides clarity on all the steps from development, costing and pricing, production, through to market positioning and sales strategy. 

Q & A with Human B CEO Boaz David 

When participating in the Fashion Brand Clarity Program, what is one of the most common ‘a-ha’s’ for designers?

“There usually are many ‘A-Ha” moments since building a brand is a complex and lengthy process, but I would say that the two main ones are:  1. The financial investment needed to start and build a brand 2. How long it will take before the business can be profitable.”


What do you find to be the biggest challenge in the production process?

“The biggest challenge for designers who are new to the process is that they focus on designing their product to look good aesthetically. Therefore, their designs look good in samples, but when they get to production, they are faced with many issues from high cost, finishing and construction challenges, availability of materials, and more. When we work with small brands, we challenge them to design with production in mind because many issues can be eliminated by simply designing around them. That might sound like a compromise on design, but to have a profitable business, you must think with a business mind and use your creativity to find solutions that look good and, at the same time, are scalable and economical.”

What is important to keep in mind while designing to ease the development and production process? 

“As mentioned above, many issues can be addressed ahead of time by simply knowing your target customer, their needs and wants, how much they are willing to spend, how and where they will wear the clothes, and then design with that in mind. Doing that will make the development and production easier and will save you time and money.”




Q & A - Sustainability